Tuesday, September 4, 2012


                      According to the previous flooding in Thailand, there is a prophercy that Thailand would be drown underneath the ocean water and Thailand will be no longer in the world's map anymore. This would affect to Thai people very much if this will happen for real.

                      The pictures speak volumes of the extent of devastations caused by the torrential rain and the resultant sufferings of the people of Thailand at large. Thailand is a beautiful country but seeing it submerged in water is heart wrenching. This will take months if not years to restore the country. 
                      While it is time to pray to the divine God for help, it is also time for people of the world to search and soften their hearts and show their mercy and magnanimity by donating generously whether in cash and kind to the people of Thailand. The help is now and not tomorrow. If we want Thailand to be still on the world's map, we have to save the energy and protect the environment.
                       Luckily, today Thailand is still here and has everything we need.

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